Monday, May 14, 2012

Hey, guys!

So, I posted Trinty, my Twilight adaptation, on Wattpad and I already have 155 people reading it!! Goes to show how popular the paranormal genre is!! That's why I'm working on the Eternal series and Aglow. Both are paranormal and i'm so excited about them!

Check me out on Wattpad!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Welcome, welcome!

Welcome to my blog! It's about time I set one up! With the time I spend taking care of my dad and the household (not to mention the creatures),
it's hard to do a lot for myself. It's been difficult to write at all. Sucks, I know.

I am currently published with Firefly & Wisp Publishing and they are such a wonderful family!! So supportive and there for you for anything!
My first book, Yuletide Mishaps, is currently on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. It comes out in print in June!!!! Right around the corner!!
If you have a kindle and want me to autograph Yuletide, I'm on kindlegraph. :D

Feel free to ask me any questions! Once I can get some printed copies and my bookmarks, I will hold giveaways! :D